
Showing posts from 2017

Castles and Airport Tonight! 11/4/17

Thank You Owl Antique and Salo Panto!

Owl Antique and Salo Panto tonight! 11/3/2017

Thank You The City Pines!

The City Pines with Koski and The Spyce Bois Tonight! 8/19/17

Violin Secrets, Urban Shaman, and David Amir Tonight! 8/11/17

DJ LeMove Takes Over the Taproom Tonight! 8/5/17

Thank You Tribe Mars and Amirah!

Tribe Mars and Amirah Tonight! 8/4/17

Another Successful Lesson In Fresh!

Lessons In Fresh Tonight! 7/28/17

Tigers Of Youth Tonight! 7/22/17

Thank You Disco Volante, Another Afternoon, and Hazel Moon!

Free Show With Three Bands Tonight! 7/21/17

Live Karaoke tonight with Hans and the Wanted! 7/15/17

Thank you Laura May!

Laura May Record Release Show Tonight! 7/14/17

Thank You New Dew!

New Dew and The Flat Nines tonight! 7/8/17

Thank you Moonbeam Kelly!

Moonbeam Kelly, Dusy Fox & Gaspar, and Kinetic Emcees Tonight! 7/7/17

DJ Lemove Taking over the Taproom Tonight! No Cover! 7/1/17

Thank You XMELT and A Certain Smile!

XMELT with special Guest A Certain Smile Tonight! 6/17/17

Thank You Mouthbreather and No Me Gusta!

No Me Gusta and Mouthbreather Tonight! 6/16/17

Thank You All The Real Girls!

All The Real Girls Tonight! 6/10/17

Thank You Tara Velarde!

Tara Velarde and Trent Price Tonight! 6/9/17

Free Dance Party with DJ LeMove in the Taproom Tonight! 6/3/17

Thank you Maxwell Cabana!

Free Maxwell Cabana Show Tonight! 6/2/17

Thank you Lumberjack and Violin Secrets!

Lumberjack and Violin Secrets Tonight! 5/26/17

Thank you Hive Mind, Mat Randol, and Bad Panda!

Lessons in Fresh featuring: Mat Randol & The Luminaires, and Bad Panda Tonight! 5/19/17

Thank You Homatawk, Chonk, and Matt Boney Band!

Homatawk, Chonk, & Matt Boney Band Tonight! 5/13/17

Thank You Ali Burress!

Ali Burress & Hanna Haas Tonight! 5/12/17

Thank You DJ LeMove!

DJ LeMove Live Tonight! 5/6/17

Thank You Hans & The Wanted!

Hans & The Wanted Live Karaoke Set Tonight! 5/5/17